Welcome to THE CBM CONFERENCE EUROPE Call for Presentations
June 3-6, 2019

In order to submit an abstract for THE CBM CONFERENCE Europe in Antwerp, Belgium we will ask you to create an account in our system by clicking "Login" and then clicking "New user? Click here" above. First you will create a "profile" and then you can create one or more submissions. In order to create your profile you will need a high resolution head-shot photo that will appear on the Website, a short bio (three brief sentences that will be used to introduce you before your presentation) and a longer bio for the website. 
Once you create your profile you will click a new button "Submissions". Next you will click "Add new submission". You will then be asked for information about your submission.

  • The type of session [half-day  workshop, full-day workshop, 90 minute presentation, 45 minute presentation, 20 minute case study, or 45 minute case study]. We encourage all vendor and consultant presentations to be co-presented with a client as we assess practitioner presentations higher than vendor-only presentations (we do not allow commercial/promotional content). Preference will be given to case-studies, practical and hands-on presentations.
  • The title of the session
  • A description of the session [no more than 300 words]
  • Three key takeaways that attendees will gain from your presentation

Please note that you will be unable to modify your submission, but you will be able to modify your profile.

If you wish to make multiple submissions you will create them all via this account. Abstract submission closes on 16th January and you will be notified by January 28th whether any of your submissions have been accepted.

If you have any questions regarding the submission process please contact:
Becky Partipilo
Conference Director
+1(206)842-4000 ext. 3